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A diagram of dental implant at Periodontal Associates. Dental implants are a highly effective solution for lost teeth. Crowns mimic natural teeth in their form and function and titanium posts bond with and stimulate your jaw bone, allowing the Dental Implants to act just like a natural tooth would.

Unfortunately, implants can occasionally fail, and if this happens we will need you to come in so we can repair or replace them.

The Structure of an Implant

Most dental implants are made of a titanium post that is embedded in the jaw bone, a ceramic crown that acts as a replacement tooth and an abutment that connects the post and the crown. If one of these parts loosens or breaks, all three can become compromised.

Titanium is usually chosen for implants because it bonds with the jaw bone in a process known as osseointegration. If this process doesn't occur properly then you'll end up with an implant that isn't firmly in place. This will lead to problems later on.

Signs that an Implant May Fail

If the bone doesn't grow around the implant in the right way, mobility is often the primary signal that the implant may fail. This mobility is often very slight at first and usually only a dentist can see it, but as time goes on an implant that hasn't integrated properly can shift when you chew or speak. Implants that have failed completely with frequently.

Other warnings signs of impending failure include pain, inflammation, and infection, but these do not always occur. If Dr. Eshraghi notices that your implant is moving, he may conduct an x-ray to make sure the bone is growing. If the implant is failing, the x-ray may reveal considerable bone loss around the metal area.

Repair and Replacement

In cases where the implant crown becomes cracked or detached, it is an easy matter for us to attach a new, or make any other repairs if necessary. However, if the damage to the implant is too severe, we will need to remove and replace it.

It is easy for us to remove a failed dental implant, but we will need to use a local anesthetic for this procedure. Once the implant is removed Dr. Eshraghi will carefully clean the area. Then we can begin the process of inserting a new implant, making careful note of what went wrong the first time. If there is enough healthy bone in the same area, we won't need a bone graft.

However, in cases of significant bone loss, we may need to place a bone graft to improve the site of the removed implant before placing a new one. Once the bone graft is complete, your mouth may need several months to heal before we can put in a new implant. During the healing period, Dr. Eshraghi may ask you to quit smoking, postpone cancer treatment or make other lifestyle adjustments that will reduce the risk of the next implant failing as well.

Always remember to take good care of your implants by brushing and flossing daily. Also take care to eat a balanced diet and abstain from using your teeth as tools, as this can chip them. If you experience any problems with your Dental Implants, contact us right away.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please give us a call at (971) 317-8414.
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Home Services Root Coverage Gum Surgery

Root Coverage Gum Surgery

A dental assistant at Periodontal Associates examining a patient for gum surgery.There could be just as many Americans as particular about their oral hygiene as there are those who rarely remember to floss, but regardless of how well we take care of our teeth, nobody is truly immune to the effects of the natural degeneration that comes with time. Whether you brush after every meal using a revolutionary water flosser and medicated fluoride toothpaste, or you simply just rub the hem of your shirt across your teeth whenever they feel fuzzy (which, of course, is strongly not advised!), there is almost always some risk to your dental care that may require additional attention. Periodontal Associates recognizes the need to feel confident in our smiles and is happy to educate you on how we can treat some of the lesser-known problem areas.

To Brush or To Not Brush Enough

Perhaps you have been told recently that it would benefit you to have a gum graft. That can sound intimidating and you could enough to put you in a state of shock, especially if you think you have done everything you can do to preserve your mouth. If this procedure has been recommended, all that this means is that the gum has receded so far from its original position that the lower part of your tooth is in danger of being exposed.

For the most part, nobody really even notices this has become a problem because of how long it generally takes for the gum to pull away. The dangers an exposed tooth root includes a compromise of the strength of the surrounding bone and even tooth loss. It has been documented in several causes to cause sensitivity to the freshly exhibited root and can be considered quite unattractive.

How A Graft Can Help Restore Your Grin

It helps to know beforehand that there are three primary methods of gum grafting available when it comes to this particular form of reconstructive restoration. Free gingival grafts are a type that is specifically used when working with those who may already have thinner gums which could note a marked improvement in their quality of life by having additional tissue implemented to create a thicker, more formidable gum.

With a pedicle graft, a flap of gum is mostly cut away and then pulled down over the revealed enamel for covering and then secured in place. It can only be done with those who have plenty of gum tissue readily available near the socket. The final, and most commonly used process is connective-tissue grafts, which is when a piece of skin is removed from within the roof of your mouth and sutured to the area that requires it.

After your surgery, it should probably be fine for you to return home, but if you are given something to help you relax before or during the operation, it is a good idea to have someone know you will need a ride after your treatment is over. You will receive detailed information about your aftercare, and it is important to follow these directions closely to help ensure the best possible outcome from your graft.

To prevent unnecessary irritation or increase the likelihood of infection, it is recommended that you refrain from your regular dental care until you are fully healed. This includes brushing and flossing for the immediate future. There is a good chance you will be given a rinse that is designed to reduce the number of bacteria that can form during this time. If it is determined to be a good idea, you may also be prescribed an antibiotic for even better preventative measures.

If there was tissue extracted from your oral cavity, you might feel a bit tender for a few days. The sensation is most closely compared to burning that one spot on the roof of your mouth with that bite of too-hot pizza you just could not wait to enjoy: sort of unpleasant, but not a big deal overall. If none of the tissue was removed, though, then there should be very little pain involved with your recovery. Be on the lookout for excessive bleeding, and if it does not stop after pressure has been applied for several minutes, please call us immediately.

Because it can be so simple and fast to repair, with minimal discomfort to you, there is no reason why you should put a root coverage graft on the back page of your to-do list. Please call Periodontal Associates without delay at (971) 317-8414 to get more information on this incredibly useful procedure!
Periodontal Associates in Beaverton, OR

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Root Coverage Gum Surgery • Periodontal Associates
Please call Periodontal Associates, with locations in Beaverton & Tualatin, without delay to get more information on Root Coverage Gum Surgery at (971) 317-8414.
Periodontal Associates, 17895 NW Evergreen Pkwy #150 Beaverton, OR 97006, (971) 317-8414,, 2/17/2025, Key Phrases: dental implants Beaverton OR,