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A diagram of dental implant at Periodontal Associates. Dental implants are a highly effective solution for lost teeth. Crowns mimic natural teeth in their form and function and titanium posts bond with and stimulate your jaw bone, allowing the Dental Implants to act just like a natural tooth would.

Unfortunately, implants can occasionally fail, and if this happens we will need you to come in so we can repair or replace them.

The Structure of an Implant

Most dental implants are made of a titanium post that is embedded in the jaw bone, a ceramic crown that acts as a replacement tooth and an abutment that connects the post and the crown. If one of these parts loosens or breaks, all three can become compromised.

Titanium is usually chosen for implants because it bonds with the jaw bone in a process known as osseointegration. If this process doesn't occur properly then you'll end up with an implant that isn't firmly in place. This will lead to problems later on.

Signs that an Implant May Fail

If the bone doesn't grow around the implant in the right way, mobility is often the primary signal that the implant may fail. This mobility is often very slight at first and usually only a dentist can see it, but as time goes on an implant that hasn't integrated properly can shift when you chew or speak. Implants that have failed completely with frequently.

Other warnings signs of impending failure include pain, inflammation, and infection, but these do not always occur. If Dr. Eshraghi notices that your implant is moving, he may conduct an x-ray to make sure the bone is growing. If the implant is failing, the x-ray may reveal considerable bone loss around the metal area.

Repair and Replacement

In cases where the implant crown becomes cracked or detached, it is an easy matter for us to attach a new, or make any other repairs if necessary. However, if the damage to the implant is too severe, we will need to remove and replace it.

It is easy for us to remove a failed dental implant, but we will need to use a local anesthetic for this procedure. Once the implant is removed Dr. Eshraghi will carefully clean the area. Then we can begin the process of inserting a new implant, making careful note of what went wrong the first time. If there is enough healthy bone in the same area, we won't need a bone graft.

However, in cases of significant bone loss, we may need to place a bone graft to improve the site of the removed implant before placing a new one. Once the bone graft is complete, your mouth may need several months to heal before we can put in a new implant. During the healing period, Dr. Eshraghi may ask you to quit smoking, postpone cancer treatment or make other lifestyle adjustments that will reduce the risk of the next implant failing as well.

Always remember to take good care of your implants by brushing and flossing daily. Also take care to eat a balanced diet and abstain from using your teeth as tools, as this can chip them. If you experience any problems with your Dental Implants, contact us right away.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please give us a call at (971) 317-8414.
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Home Services Periodontal Treatment Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and Root Planing Beaverton OR

Close up 3D rendering of dirty teeth being cleaned and restored by a dental tool by Periodontal Associates in Beaverton, ORProper oral hygiene is essential for one's overall health and wellness. Not taking care of your teeth can lead to various dental issues. Gum disease is a common health issue that plagues millions of people.

One effective treatment for gum disease is scaling and root planing. By understanding the details of scaling and root planing, its importance in treating gum disease, and the treatments involved in this essential dental procedure, you can take proactive steps towards preserving your oral health and preventing the progression of gum disease.

Gum Disease: An Overview

Gum disease refers to an infection of the gum tissues that surround and provide support to the teeth. The issue commonly occurs due to the accumulation of plaque, which is a sticky bacterial film forming on the teeth. When plaque is not thoroughly eliminated by brushing and flossing on a regular basis, it hardens into tartar, causing gum irritation and infection.

Common signs of gum disease include:

•  Red or swollen gums
•  Bleeding gums
•  Bad breath
•  Receding gumline or gum pockets forming between the teeth and gums
•  Loose teeth

If you suspect gum disease or have been diagnosed with it, you should consult with a dental professional to determine if scaling and root planing is necessary. Remember, early intervention and regular dental care are key to maintaining healthy gums and a beautiful smile.

Enhancing Oral Health with Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing

Periodontal scaling and root planing, commonly referred to as deep cleaning, is a non-surgical dental procedure that plays a pivotal role in the management and treatment of gum disease. This comprehensive treatment approach involves two primary steps: scaling and root planing.

Scaling and root planing are performed by dental professionals, including dental hygienists and dentists, to address gum disease and prevent its progression. The root planing procedure is significant in maintaining excellent oral health.

Understanding Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling is the initial step involving the thorough removal of bacterial deposits from the teeth. These deposits can accumulate both above and below the gum line, contributing to gum disease.

Dental professionals employ specialized instruments to gently and effectively scrape away these deposits. Scaling is a vital process for eliminating bacterial buildup and promoting gum health.

Root planing is the subsequent step, focusing on the tooth roots. During this process, our dental professional will smooth out rough areas on the tooth roots where bacteria are prone to accumulate.

By creating a smoother surface, root planing aids in the reattachment of gums to the teeth, which is crucial for preventing further infection and facilitating the healing process.

Scaling and root planing diagram illustrated by Periodontal Associates in Beaverton, OR

Scaling and Root Planing Procedure

The root planing procedure is a well-structured process that ensures effective gum disease management and improves oral health.

Initial Evaluation

Before initiating root planing, our dentist or dental hygienist will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your oral health. This includes:

•  Examination of your gums and teeth
•  Measurement of gum pockets, which indicates the severity of gum disease
•  Assessment of your overall gum health
•  X-rays may be taken to examine the condition of the underlying bone, providing crucial insights into the extent of gum disease

Local Anesthesia

To ensure your comfort throughout the procedure, our dentist may administer a local anesthetic to numb the area being treated. This minimizes any potential discomfort or pain during the scaling and root planing process.


With the area numb and comfortable, our dental professional will proceed to remove tartar and plaque to eliminate bacterial deposits. This step effectively cleans the teeth and prepares them for the root planing procedure.

Scaling leaves the tooth surfaces clean and smooth, making them resistant to future plaque buildup. Furthermore, the removal of bacterial deposits below the gum line is a crucial step before the root planing process. The presence of bacterial deposits will prevent proper treatment of the affected tooth.

Root Planing

Root planing is typically done under local anesthesia. Our dentist will use a special tool called a curette to remove tartar and bacteria from the roots of your teeth. The curette is also used to smooth out the roots, making it more difficult for plaque and bacteria to adhere to them.

The process further removes bacterial biofilms, tartar, and rough areas on the root surfaces that can harbor harmful microorganisms. By eliminating these deposits and creating a smoother root surface, root planing helps to discourage the accumulation of bacteria, allowing the gums to reattach more firmly to the teeth. This not only aids in reducing gum inflammation and bleeding but also prevents the progression of gum disease and promotes the overall health and stability of the teeth and surrounding tissues.

Follow-up Care

After completing the procedure, our dentist may take additional measures to promote healing and prevent infection. This may include:

•  Prescribing antimicrobial mouthwash or antibiotics to control infection and facilitate the healing process
•  Providing detailed instructions on proper oral hygiene practices
•  Scheduling a follow-up visit to monitor your progress and ensure that your gum health is improving

Periodontal scaling and root planing is a vital procedure in the fight against gum disease. It not only removes harmful bacterial deposits but also creates a conducive environment for the gums to heal and reattach to the teeth.

By following post-procedure care and maintaining good oral hygiene practices, you can enhance your overall oral health and prevent the progression of gum disease. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are essential to maintain your gum health and prevent gum disease from recurring.

Let Periodontal Associates Help Care for Your Gums and Teeth

Scaling and root planing is a crucial procedure in treating gum disease and preventing its progression. By removing plaque, tartar, and bacteria from below the gum line and smoothing the tooth roots, this non-surgical treatment promotes gum healing and helps restore oral health.

Contact Periodontal Associates to schedule your appointment with Dr. Eshraghi and take control of your oral health today. You should not let gum disease compromise your smile. Take the necessary steps towards a healthier mouth today by calling us at (971) 317-8414.
Periodontal Associates in Beaverton, OR

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Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing | Beaverton OR
Restore the health of your gums with periodontal scaling and root planing, a specialized deep cleaning procedure that targets gum disease. Call today!
Periodontal Associates, 17895 NW Evergreen Pkwy #150 Beaverton, OR 97006; (971) 317-8414;; 9/18/2024; Page Terms:dental implants Beaverton OR;